Exhibition LACDA, LA, USA
LACDA 12th Year Anniversary Represented Artists Exhibit 14.4.–6.5.2016 Los Angeles, USA Los Angeles Center For Digital Art is located in...

SELF PORTRAITS – Inner Feelings , International Art Festival 17.6.–27.6.2015 – Venice, Italy Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi, Cannaregio 4132 – 30121...

Exhibition VirArtGallery Prize 2015
VirArtGallery Prize 2015, International Collective Exhibition 1.–30.6.2015 – New York, USA My painting Silence#1 and my video-book...

Exhibition Future Identities
Future Identities – Bodies . Places . Spaces , International Art Festival 25.4.–20.5.2015 – Buenos Aires, Argentina Laura Haber Gallery,...

Exhibition LACDA, LA, USA
LACDA Eleven Year Anniversary Represented Artists Exhibit 9.4.–14.5.2015 Los Angeles, USA The Los Angeles Center for Digital Art has...

Exhibition Hybrid Effects, Milan
HYBRID EFFECTS . From Solid Body to Liquid Cities, International Exhibition 14.–19.4.2015 – Milan, Italy Palazzo Radetzky, Via Cusani 5,...
"tHe bIrDmAn"... wHaT iS tHe sToRy...
“Sometimes I think how hollow my perception of the world is, what I actually see and how blind I'm to things that surround me. What do...