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Early Exhibitions 

"Liquid Identities" The Ferry Gallery

7.3. - 14.3.2015 – Bangkok, Thailand 


LIQUID IDENTITIES explores all the different facets of social, physical and cultural identities of our contemporary societies. Everyday we deal with a multitude of different identities and roles: we face the public life creating and adapting our social identities; our body and aesthetic tastes modify and are modified by our physical and sexual identities; our whole being evolves as well as contemporary cultures and modern cities do. Differences create new compounds and exchange possibilities.

More info: The Ferry Gallery

ArtHouce Venice “Liquid Rooms, the Labyrinth” 

27.2. –  20.3.2015 – Venice, Italy 


LIQUID ROOMS + THE LABYRINTH is an invitation for artists to explore their intimate self and to analyze the relationship between man and space (private and/or public). The exhibition has a dual-layered format which expresses the urban nature of the city of Venice (with all its labyrinthine streets) and the inner labyrinths of our identities. Opening the doors of their rooms to visitors and crossing the exhibition path through the different venues, artists and audience will disclose and explore the intimate part of their art and beings.



“Hybrid Memories” International Exhibition,
BAC - Bogotá Arte Contemporáneo

 14.1. – 13.2.2015 – Bogota, Colombia 


HYBRID MEMORIES will analyze the memory of people who live hybrid identities, who live an existence in which different cultures, cities and places are mixed together creating parallel experiences and recollections. The multitude of different identities and roles we play in our contemporary life, all the places we visit and all the people we meet, merged together producing hybrid memories.                        

BAC tweet  "The Birdman"

BAC flickr photo "The Birdman"

“Contemporary Venice” – It’s LIQUID International Art Show, Palazzo Flangini

15.12.2014 – 31.1.2015 – Venice, Italy 


The first winter edition of Contemporary Venice is focused on the theme of IDENTITIES and on the relationship between man, society and contemporary cities. The exhibition will explore the lifestyles and ways of being that run on a parallel level of our ordinary life. Everyday behaviours are the actual reflection of cities and societies we have created and that have developed a personal identity. This new city character becomes the new order that modifies our everyday life.


“Art goes Miami” at Scoope, selected artist, digital Exhibition

7.12.2014 – Miami, USA


Letter of Special Recognition See Mee Scoope Miami 2014



“HYBRID IDENTITIES”, international experimental video-art festival 
at MECA Mediterráneo Centro Artístico

22.11.2014 – Almeria, Spain


Hybrid Identities explores all the different facets of social, physical and cultural identities of our contemporary societies. Everyday we deal with a multitude of different identities and roles: we face the public life creating and adapting our social identities; our body and aesthetic tastes modify and are modified by our physical and sexual identities; our whole being evolves as well as contemporary cultures and modern cities do. Differences create new compounds and exchange possibilities.



“HIDDEN ROOMS – IDENTITIES . CITIES . MEMORIES”, international festival of video art, experimental dance and performance

19.–21.11. 2014 – Venice at Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi, Italy

HIDDEN ROOMS – IDENTITIES . CITIES . MEMORIES festival is focused on the revelation of the inner facets of our identities, on the disclosure of the hidden shapes of our being. The concept is divided into 3 sections:


HIDDEN IDENTITIES focused on the closed rooms we have inside. 

HIDDEN CITIES is about the underground lifestyles that run on a parallel level of our ordinary life. 
HIDDEN MEMORIES talks about the invisible common ground that unifies all humans. 

“Future Identities” – Bodies, Places, Spaces, International Exhibition

12.–21.9. 2014 – Palazzo Albrizzi in Venice, Italy


Future Identities – Bodies . Places . Spaces festival is focused on the relationship between body and space, and the hybridization between identities and cultural/physical/social/urban settings in contemporary time. People, backgrounds, societies, progress, cities and all their inputs create hybrid identities, modifying each other and being mixed in prospect to shape a better world. The festival aims to conduct a research and to offer to artists and audience a 360° experience about the body, conceived not only as a material organic system connected to space, but also as an evolving organism with peculiar sensations, feelings and characteristics.

“SOCIAL CITIES - Self Identities, Common Places”, International Exhibition

23.8.–7.9. 2014 – Palazzo Albrizzi in Venice, Italy


Future Identities – Bodies . Places . Spaces festival is focused on the relationship between body and space, and the hybridization between identities and cultural/physical/social/urban settings in contemporary time. People, backgrounds, societies, progress, cities and all their inputs create hybrid identities, modifying each other and being mixed in prospect to shape a better world. The festival aims to conduct a research and to offer to artists and audience a 360° experience about the body, conceived not only as a material organic system connected to space, but also as an evolving organism with peculiar sensations, feelings and characteristics.

Read more
“Works & Works” International Art Exhibition

6.–12.7. 2014 – The Castle in Capalbio Aldobrandeschi Colacchioni, Italy


The Castle Aldobrandeschis Collacchioni in Capalbio has existed since 1161 and in recent years regularly hosts exhibitions and events of interest and culture promoted and sponsored by the City Capalbio.
The Castle Aldobrandesco Collacchioni in Capalbio is the ideal setting for our works, for various techniques and modes of expression, not just for the atmosphere full of history that you breathe.

Read more; you find my catalogue of the exhibition.

“Top 40 “LACDA

12.6.–5.7. 2014 – Exhibition in Los Angeles Center of Digital Art


Rex Bruce, LACDA, Top 40 in Coagula Art Journal


Art & Digital Imaging Technology:
The Top 40 Show @ LACDA

by Roger Macintosh, Coagula Art Journal, Issue 74, read more.

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Paula Haapalahti


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